We Play Along is excited about our newest American Sign Language Phonics Song called Apples and Banana’s – Long Vowel Sounds. “Apples and Banana’s” is a traditional American Folk song that connects the learning long vowel phonemic sounds.
Our version Apples and Banana’ supports the learning of important long vowel phonemic sounds by leveraging a child’s love a music and their natural desire to be active learners. We use not only this song for phonemic awareness, but we also use Apples and Banana’s as an American Sign Language Phonics song.
By using a wide variety of Howard Gardner’s learning styles for children, and using our ASL phonics song, you will learn long vowels: visually, physically, verbally, musically and more. ASL phonics songs provide children with a wonderfully rich way to learn and remember.
Everyone can succeed in learning and teaching ASL phonics songs!
To succeed with any ASL phonics song, or in this case, with our American Sign Language version of Apples and Banana’s – Long Vowels it’s quite simple. Just watch our ASL Apples and Banana’s Long Vowel Instruction segment and we will teach you everything you need to know. Anyone can be successful by watching, learning, and then using this ASL phonics songs to reinforce the learning of long vowels with children.
In this song we suggest using the letter signs for the vowels as the sounds change in this song. We demonstrate a long arm version of the letters A E I O and U for this song in our instruction video and combine them with the sign for eat.

Phonics is an important decoding tool. It is a way to teach children how to identify words but using phonemic sounds. It provides a foundation for understanding the alphabet, its sounds, and how words or put together with letters.
The more able a child comes to understand letter sounds the more able they are to spell and write words correctly, understand these words and their meanings, and recall them for future use. It also means a stronger ability to read and reading is the foundation for all learning. Strong foundations is reading provide all children with confidence in their ability to learn.
A recent study in the UK suggests that English-speaking countries should replicate UK use of phonics. In England, the provision of systematic phonics instruction is a legal requirement in state-funded primary schools. The impact of phonics is measured through a screening check administered to children in Year 1. The results of this screening check have shown year-on-year gains in the percentage of children reaching an expected standard — from 58% in 2012 to 81% in 2016.
Learn more American Sign Language Phonics songs by watching our ABC ASL Song and our ASL Animals of the Alphabet song. [link to both songs] These, along with our Apples and Banana’s ASL phonics song, offer additional phonemic opportunities to enhance the learning of phonics through ASL and music.
Visit 4 parents and teachers to learn more about our ASL Signed Phonics program that supports the learning of basic phonics rules for pre k through 3rd grade. All lessons come with instruction, original songs, and all the tools needed for instruction.